Starbucks, I thought we had something special
richard sandor
Back in November I went on a new diet, cut out coffee and I have not had a cup of coffee since. My herbal and green tea consumption has skyrocketed. BUT...I don't need to go to Starbucks for tea, like I had to go there for a good cup of coffee. I can go pretty much anywhere for a decent tea bag and hot water. So as a result I have been to Starbucks 5 times total in the last 3 months versus the 15 odd times per week I used to go there.
I would have thought that some data robot or sophisticated computer at Starbucks HQ would have noticed the change in my behavior on my account and flagged something. Perhaps they'd sent me a smart note asking where have I been? We miss you - why haven't we seen you? Please update your preferences so we can continue to be there for you. Or here is a coupon for a complimentary beverage or something.
Instead, I continue to get and delete the same spamy emails pushing the weekly deal of Blonde roast or some other coffee I have absolutely no interest in.
What is the lesson? Stay in touch with your customers - yes. Better yet, take the time to reconnect and learn from your lapsed customers - especially your VIP ones. You know the ones who carry your "Gold Card". Why they are not coming in anymore? It is you - is it them - is it over?
Ironically, at the exact same time as I switched my diet up, Starbucks bought the teahouse Teavana.