The Flipping Buzz Around F Cancer
richard sandor
I got a call from the press to comment on this the other day. See . Ever since I have been following the story. I was taken by the emotion and opposing comments being posted by readers in the Province online under the story when it ran there. I was less impressed by some of the moronic comments.
As the father to a couple of young boys, I completely understand some of the sensitivities that some have to the f- bomb. That being said, given the audience and cause I think F cancer is entirely appropriate. It is a rallying cry for those and their loved ones who have and are battling cancer. It is an alert to those younger people who don't think that cancer could get them because they are too young. The simple fact is that cancer does not discriminate. It is ruthless but early detection can go a very long way.
There is much more than a bad language in a tagline going on here. Check out the social media activation.
Anyway, I hope and think we will hear lots more on F Cancer .
Cover your ears kids.